Course Marking

Marking the course and refreshing those markings is an ongoing task for which the committee is responsible **
(See R&A Committee Procedures)

A well marked course allows a player to play by the rules to eliminate confusion.

OUT OF BOUNDS POSTS New out of bounds posts are being installed throughout the course to fulfil the obligations of the Committee

These WHITE POSTS are defined as out of bounds objects and must not be removed. If your stance or swing is affected you may take Penalty relief under rule 19, unplayableball or play the ball as it lies.


Yellow, Red and Blue posts have also been renewed throughout the course, as discussed with the Greenstaff.
For these to remain in good condition and in the correct position they should not be removed for any reason. They are defined as Immovable Obstructions.
If your stance or area of intended swing is affected, free relief is available under Rule 16, provided that your ball doesnt lie in a penalty area. You may drop a ball within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.

The Penalty for removing any OOB's post, Penalty Area Post or 150yd Marker post is Disqualification.

Your cooperation in ensuring that the above rules are adhered to, will be much appreciated by both the Club and Greenstaff.