Local Rules for Tapton Park

All play is under the Rules of Golf as approved by the R. & A. Rules (Jan 2019) and the following Local Rules

~ A ball lying on a wrong green or on a winter green (not in use) must be lifted and dropped, without penalty, within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole being played.
~ A ball lying in all areas marked GUR, must be lifted and dropped without penalty at the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole being played.
~ On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole, may be placed at the nearest spot, not nearer the hole, that avoids the situation.
~ A ball lying in wheel tracks in the General Area may be lifted and dropped without penalty at the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole being played.
OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)
~ Out of bounds is defined by the line between the course side points at ground level of white stakes and fence posts. (Including the white painted metal driving range posts behind the 16th tee and 15th green.)
~ The white stakes to the right side of the 16th fairway only relate to the 16th hole.
~ The ponds on the 4TH and the 7th holes, The ditches in front of the 3rd green, 14th green and
crossing the 15th hole are Yellow penalty areas.
~ The staked area to the base and right hand of the valley of the 17th hole is a Red penalty area
~The stream to the right of the 6th and 7th hole is a Red penalty area.
~ 150 yard marker posts, yellow and red penalty area posts, bell posts, ball cleaner posts, bridle
path direction posts, winter mats and stone surrounds, fixed waste bins, stone filled drainage
ditches to the right of the 4
th hole near the green, the wooden fencing around the 2nd, 9th, and 17th
tees, the bridges over the ditches on the 14th and 15th holes, the ground retaining sleepers on the 9th and 14th ees, all fixed hydrants and sprinkler heads. -------- Free relief is allowed when an immovable obstruction interferes with your area of intended stance and area of intended swing. A ball may be lifted and dropped without penalty within 1 club length of the nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole.
~ Fixed sprinkler heads, A player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an Immovable Obstructionis on the line of play and is within two clubs length of the putting green and is within two club lengths of the ball.
~Total relief may be taken from the metal fencing and conifers surrounding the 9th tee should a player’s stance or swing be affected. If relief is taken it must be full relief from the obstruction, (not nearer the hole).
FOOTPATHS (Rule 16.1)
~ Man made paths are treated as obstructions from which free relief is allowed. The ball may be lifted and dropped, without penalty, within one club length of the nearest point of relief. (The bridlepath behind the 12th green and crossing the 13th and 17th holes is an immovable obstruction)
EMBEDDED BALL in General area (Rule16.3 16.3a 16.3b)
~Free relief is allowed when a player’s ball is embedded in the general area.
~ If the ball is embedded on the putting green the player may mark the spot of the ball and lift andclean the ball, repair the damage caused by the balls impact and replace the ball on its original spot. (Rule 13.1c).
~ Free relief is allowed for an abnormal course condition in a bunker. (Rule 16.1c).
~ Penalty relief from an abnormal course condition in a bunker is available by playing from outside the bunker (back on line relief) under one penalty stroke. (Rule 16.1c)
~ Unplayable ball in bunker. You may take unplayable ball relief, either one or two stroke penalty using the four options as in Rule 19.3.
~ You may remove loose impediments (including stones). (Rule 12.2a).
~ Young staked trees are considered to be in a No Play Zone. If a ball, anywhere on the course, other than in a penalty area, lies in or on, or touches such a tree, or such a tree interferes with a players stance or intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.
~ Match Play = Loss of hole. ~ Stroke Play = General Penalty = Two Strokes

* Please repair your pitch marks on the greens and rake the bunkers after playing out
Thank you - Enjoy your game.