Areas of a Golf Course
1. The General Area 2. The Teeing Area 3. Penalty Area 4. Bunkers 5. Putting Green

Must know rules of golf
* Search time reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes
* Ball moved during search - replace, no penalty
* Drop from knee height, not shoulder height
* Measure the area to drop with longest club
* No penalty for double hit - counts as one stroke
* No penalty if your ball hits you or your equipment accidentally
* Flagstick may be kept in
* Ball wedged between flagstick and side of hole is deemed as holed
* All damage to greens can be repaired
* Taking stance on wrong green is not permitted
* Ball accidentally moves on putting green - replace, no penalty
* Loose impediments can be removed anywhere including penalty areas
* Touching sand in bunkers incidentally is permitted but not directly in front or behind the ball
* Free relief is allowed if your ball is embedded through the course
(EMBEDDED - part of the ball is below ground level)
* If you are not 95% cetain your ball is in a penalty area stroke and distance should be played
(add one penalty stroke and play from where the previous stroke was made)
* Caddies and playing partners are not permitted to stand behind once you have taken your stance
* Positioning club for alignment is not permitted